IELTS listing test

Listening can often be one of the most challenging modules for IELTS test-takers. But like any skill, listening can be improved with the right strategies and resources. If you’re aiming to boost your IELTS listening score, you’re in the right place. Here, we present 10 effective ways to elevate your performance and highlight how Study Unifees can assist you in this journey.

1. Understand the IELTS Listening Test Format

The IELTS listening test consists of four sections, each with a different type of audio recording. The recordings are played only once, and you must answer the questions in the order that they are asked.

Section 1: A conversation between two people in a social setting 

Section 2: A monologue about a topic of general interest 

Section 3: A conversation between two or more people in an academic setting 

Section 4: A monologue on an academic topic

The IELTS Listening test lasts about 30 minutes, with an additional 10 minutes for transferring answers from your question booklet to your answer sheet. 

It consists of 40 questions, which include various question types such as multiple choice, matching, plan/map/diagram labelling, short answer questions and completing summaries. 

Each correct answer earns one mark, and scores are reported on the IELTS 9-band scale, including whole and half bands.

2. Practice Active Listening Daily

Rather than just hearing, focus on comprehending and interpreting the information. BBC Radio, TED Talks, and podcasts are excellent resources. Listen to different accents, as the IELTS test includes a mix of accents like Australian, British, Canadian, and American.

3. Take Notes Efficiently

While you listen, jot down key points. This not only helps in retaining information but also aids in answering questions that require written answers. Remember, it’s about capturing the essence, not every word.

4. Increase Concentration Span

The listening test lasts for about 30 minutes. Practise focusing intently for this duration. Over time, extend your concentration span, making it easier to stay attentive throughout the test.

5. Practice with Sample Tests

Regularly attempt IELTS listening sample tests. This gives a real-time experience and helps you manage your time better. After each test, review your answers to identify and work on weak areas.

6. Predict and Anticipate Content

Before each section begins, you’ll have some time to read the questions. Use this opportunity to predict what the speaker might say. This proactive approach helps you listen more purposefully and pinpoint answers more effectively.

7. Stay Calm and Avoid Panicking

If you miss an answer, don’t panic. Keep your focus on the upcoming information. Losing concentration over a missed point can make you miss subsequent ones.

8. Join an IELTS Preparation Course

Consider enrolling in a preparation course specifically tailored for the IELTS test. These courses provide structured study plans, expert advice, and mock tests, giving you the experience and confidence to tackle the real exam.

9. Familiarise Yourself with Different Accents

IELTS includes different accents. Use platforms like Study Unifees to listen to native speakers from various regions. This makes understanding different pronunciations and dialects easier.

10. Regular Feedback

Have a mentor or use platforms like Study Unifees to get regular feedback. It helps in identifying specific areas of improvement, ensuring a more focused preparation.

How Study Unifees Can Assist

Study Unifees is a brilliant platform for IELTS aspirants. Here’s how they can assist in improving your listening score

A. Comprehensive Study Materials: Study Unifees offers a plethora of listening materials, encompassing varied accents and real-life situations that mirror the IELTS listening test.

B. Interactive Listening Exercises: Their platform provides numerous exercises to test and improve your listening skills, complete with answer explanations and expert tips.

C. Personalised Feedback: One unique feature is their personalised feedback system. Post completion of exercises, you receive tailored feedback, helping you focus on specific areas that need improvement.

D. Engage in Real-time Discussions: Study Unifees’ forums and discussion boards allow you to interact with fellow aspirants and experts, gaining insights and sharing resources.

E. Flexibility: The platform is accessible anytime, anywhere. You can practise listening exercises at your convenience, ensuring that consistent practice becomes a part of your daily routine.

In conclusion, improving your IELTS listening score demands a mix of consistent practice, efficient strategies, and the right resources. While personal dedication and perseverance play a significant role, platforms like Study Unifees offer the structured guidance required to ace the test.

Remember, every individual’s journey is unique; understand your strengths and areas of improvement, and tailor your preparation accordingly. Best of luck!