
Hey! The first step is indeed the hardest to take. Now that you have decided to study abroad, your next step is to choose from a variety of language proficiency tests that best suit your goals. IELTS, TOEFL, PTE, DUOLINGO- the choice is yours. In this guide, we will help you find which is better, PTE VS TOEFL

PTE vs TOEFL: Choosing the Right Test for Wide Study Abroad Options

Both TOEFL and PTE are widely accepted English proficiency tests that universities around the world use to assess your readiness for academic programs in English. However, some key differences can influence your choice. Here’s a breakdown to help you decide which test is best for your study abroad aspirations:

Test Format:

  • TOEFL: Offers a computer-based (iBT) format as the standard option, with a paper-based version available in limited regions. It focuses on multiple-choice questions for all sections (Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing).
  • PTE: Fully computer-based, featuring a wider variety of question types like reading comprehension, writing short answers, summarising text, and speaking into a microphone.

Scoring and Results:

  • TOEFL: Scores range from 0 to 120, with section scores reported individually. Results typically take 6-10 days to arrive.
  • PTE: Scores vary from 10 to 90, with a single overall score and breakdowns for enabling skills (reading, listening, speaking, and writing). Results are delivered much faster, often within five business days.
Advantages of TOEFL:
  • Wider acceptance: TOEFL is generally accepted by more universities worldwide, especially in North America and Western Europe.
  • Standardised format: The multiple-choice structure might be familiar and comfortable for some test-takers.
Advantages of PTE:
  • Faster results: A quicker turnaround can be crucial for meeting application deadlines.
  • More dynamic format: The computer-based tasks in PTE might feel more interactive and engaging.
  • No face-to-face speaking: PTE eliminates the potential stress of a speaking interview for those who prefer a computer-based interaction.
Choosing the Right Test:
  • University Requirements: Check the specific requirements of your target universities. Most will accept either TOEFL or PTE, but some might have a preference.
  • Test-Taking Style: Consider your strengths and weaknesses. If you excel at multiple-choice questions, TOEFL might be a good fit. If you prefer a more interactive format and dislike interviews, PTE could be a better choice.
  • Time Constraints: If you have tight application deadlines, the faster turnaround of PTE results might be a significant advantage.




PTE Academic

Test Format

Computer-based (iBT) with a paper-based version available in limited regions

Fully computer-based


Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing

Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing

Question Types

Primarily multiple-choice

Mix of multiple-choice, open-ended, integrated tasks (reading & writing, listening & speaking)


Scores range from 0 to 120, with section scores reported individually

Scores range from 10 to 90, with a single overall score and breakdowns for enabling skills (reading, listening, speaking, and writing)


Typically takes 6-10 days to arrive

Delivered much faster, often within 5 business days

Speaking Test

Standardized format with multiple independent tasks (e.g., speaking about a familiar topic, responding to a question)

Uses microphone recording; focuses on integrated tasks and real-world scenarios

Wider Acceptance

Generally accepted by more universities worldwide, especially in North America and Western Europe

Gaining wider acceptance, but some universities might prefer TOEFL

Test Availability

More readily available for testing in many locations

Availability might be more limited compared to TOEFL

Preparation Resources

Ample official preparation materials and practice tests available

Offers official preparation materials and practice tests


Additional Considerations:

  • Availability: TOEFL might be more readily available for testing in your location than PTE.
  • Preparation Resources: Both tests offer ample official preparation materials and practice tests. Explore which resources you find most helpful.

Ultimately, the best test is the one that aligns with your unique needs, learning style, and university requirements. Evaluate all the factors before deciding to ensure a smooth and successful journey towards your study abroad goals.


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