PTE Exam 2024

Dreaming of studying abroad or migrating to an English-speaking country? The PTE (Pearson Test of English) is your gateway to unlocking those dreams. But conquering the PTE can feel daunting. That’s where Study Unifees, Dehradun’s leading PTE coaching institute, comes in!

What is the PTE?

The PTE is a computer-based English language proficiency test widely accepted by universities, colleges, and immigration agencies worldwide. Unlike traditional paper-based tests, it uses artificial intelligence to assess your English communication skills in a realistic and unbiased way.

Test Format

The PTE is a three-hour exam divided into four sections: Speaking & Writing (integrated), Reading, and Listening. Each section tests your ability to use English in academic and professional situations.

Section Question Types
Speaking & Writing (Integrated)
(54-67 minutes)
Read Aloud
Repeat Sentence
Describe Image
Summarize Spoken Text
Write an Email
Reading (29-30 minutes)
  • Multiple Choice Questions
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Fill in the Blanks
  • Summarize Text
Listening (30-43 minutes)
  • Multiple Choice Questions
  • Fill in the Blanks
  • Summarize Spoken Text
  • Highlight Incorrect Words
  • Write from Dictation


Your PTE results are based on a scale of 10 to 90, with higher scores indicating greater English proficiency. The score report also details your performance in enabling skills like grammar, vocabulary, oral fluency, and pronunciation.

PTE Score (Overall) IELTS Band Score (Overall) CEFR Level
90-100 8.5-9.0 C2
76-89 7.5-8.0 C1
62-75 6.5-7.0 B2
50-61 5.5-6.0 B1
30-49 4.5-5.0 A2
Below 30 Below 4.5 A1

PTE Test Type and its Fee

PTE Test Type Description Fees (India - Approx. July 2024)
PTE Academic Standard test for university/college admissions worldwide. ₹ 17,000
PTE Academic UKVI Meets UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) security requirements (for study/migration to UK). Includes additional security check. ₹ 17,000 + Additional Security Check Fee (**Not publicly available**)
PTE Home (A1, A2, B1) Separate suite of tests for family and settlement visa applications to UK. ₹ 14,435 (**A1 level, example only**) - Fees vary by level. Check Pearson PTE website for details.

Benefits of Taking the PTE

There are several advantages to choosing the PTE over other English proficiency tests:

  • Faster Results: You can receive your PTE results within 48 hours, compared to several weeks for traditional tests.
  • Multiple Test Dates: The PTE is offered on numerous dates throughout the year, providing greater flexibility for scheduling.
  • Focus on Communication Skills: The PTE emphasises real-world communication skills, making it relevant for academic and professional settings.
  • Widely Accepted: The PTE is accepted by thousands of institutions worldwide, giving you greater options for study and migration.

Why Choose Study Unifees for PTE Coaching?

At Study Unifees, we go beyond just teaching you English. We empower you to excel in the PTE with a comprehensive and results-oriented approach:

  • Unmatched Experience and Expertise: We have years of experience helping students achieve their desired PTE scores. Our team of highly qualified and PTE-certified trainers possesses an in-depth understanding of the test format and scoring criteria.
  • Student-Centered Learning: We believe in a personalised approach. Our small batch sizes ensure you receive individual attention and feedback to identify and address your strengths and weaknesses.
  • 360° PTE Preparation: Our comprehensive curriculum covers all aspects of the PTE—speaking, writing, reading, and listening. We use the latest study materials, including interactive whiteboards, a vast online test bank, and a library of PTE resources for continuous learning.
  • Proven Success Record: We take pride in our exceptional track record. Countless students have achieved their PTE goals with Study Unifees. We can share success stories and testimonials to showcase the effectiveness of our program.
  • Flexible Learning Options: We understand that learning styles differ. Choose from online, offline, or blended learning formats to suit your schedule and preferences.
  • Beyond PTE Coaching: Our support extends beyond exam preparation. We offer pre-enrollment PTE assessments and goal setting to chart your PTE journey. Additionally, our counsellors can guide you on study abroad options and career paths.

Ready to Take the First Step?

Don’t let PTE exam anxiety hold you back. At Study Unifees, we’ll equip you with the skills and confidence to conquer the PTE and unlock your future. Visit our website for a detailed course brochure, or schedule a free PTE consultation today! We’re here to answer your questions and help you achieve your PTE goals.