Cue Card #8 Describe a famous scientist or inventor from history. 
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Cue Card #7 Describe a Job You Would Not Like to Do in the Future.
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IELTS preparation
Cue Card #6 Describe a book that you have read many times. 
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IELTS preparation/ material broken
Cue Card #5 Describe something that was broken in your home and then repaired.
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Cue Card #4 Describe a person you know who likes to talk a lot.
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cue card/ IELTS preparation/
Cue Card 3 : Describe an actor or actress whom you admire.
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Cue Card 2: Describe a historical period you would like to know more about.
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Cue Card 1: Describe a movie you watched recently that you felt disappointed about.
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