
Choosing between the GMAT vs. GRE is a crucial step on your path to your dream business school. Let’s explore this decision together and find the exam that best suits your unique strengths and goals.

Understanding the GMAT

  • Overview:  The GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) is the gold standard for business school admissions.
  • Sections: Quantitative Reasoning, Verbal Reasoning, Integrated Reasoning, and Analytical Writing.
  • Why GMAT: Business schools favour the GMAT for its direct relevance to the business world.

Exploring the GRE

  • Overview: Originally designed for a broader range of graduate programs, the GRE (Graduate Record Examination) has gained popularity in business school admissions.
  • Sections: Verbal Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning, and Analytical Writing.
  • GRE’s Appeal: Its versatility and adaptability make it an attractive option for business school applicants.

Key Differences Between GMAT vs. GRE

  • Content Focus: GMAT focuses more on skills directly relevant to business education, while GRE has a broader focus.

  • Scoring Scales: GMAT scores range from 200 to 800, while GRE scores range from 130 to 170 for each section.

Factors to Consider When Choosing

  • Personal Strengths and Weaknesses

Consider your proficiency in quantitative and verbal reasoning. Reflect on which areas you excel in and which ones you may need to improve. If you’re naturally stronger in quantitative reasoning, you might find the GMAT’s emphasis on this area advantageous. Conversely, if you excel in verbal reasoning, you may find the GRE’s focus on verbal skills more aligned with your strengths.

  • School Preferences

Research the admission requirements and preferences of your target business schools. Some schools may prefer one exam over the other or accept both equally. Understanding the preferences of your target schools can help you make an informed decision about which exam to take.

  • Future Career Goals

Consider the industry or field you aspire to work in after completing your business degree. Some industries may value one exam over another based on their prioritisation skills. For example, if you’re aiming for a career in finance or consulting, where quantitative skills are highly valued, you might lean towards the GMAT. Conversely, the GRE might be a better fit if you’re pursuing a career in academia or a field that requires strong analytical and writing skills.

Pros and Cons

GRE Pros:

  • Flexibility in Content: The GRE covers a broader range of subjects, allowing test-takers to showcase a more comprehensive array of skills beyond quantitative and verbal reasoning.
  • GRE Pros: growing Acceptance. It’s important to note that an increasing number of business schools accept GRE scores, providing candidates with more options and flexibility in their application strategies. This growing acceptance should give you confidence to consider the GRE a viable option.

GRE Cons:

  • General Focus: The GRE’s broad focus may need to align more closely with the specific skills and knowledge required for success in business school, potentially putting GRE test-takers at a disadvantage in highly competitive applicant pools.
  • Analytical Writing Section: While important for assessing written communication skills, the GRE’s analytical writing section may not directly correlate with skills valued in the business world, such as data analysis and problem-solving.

GMAT Pros:

  • Business Relevance: Designed specifically for business school admissions, the GMAT’s content and format closely align with the skills and knowledge needed for success in a business education program.
  • Prestige: The GMAT remains highly respected in the business world and is often preferred by top-tier business schools, giving test-takers a competitive advantage in admissions.

GMAT Cons:

  • Rigidity: The GMAT’s structure and content are tailored specifically to business education, which may limit its applicability for candidates considering a broader range of graduate programs.
  • Integrated Reasoning Section: While valuable for assessing data interpretation and decision-making skills, the GMAT’s integrated reasoning section is relatively new and may still evolve in terms of its significance in the admissions process.

Test Preparation Resources

  • GMAT Prep: Courses, study guides, and practice tests tailored for GMAT preparation.
  • GRE Prep: Similar resources are available for GRE preparation, focusing on business school admissions.


The choice between the GMAT and the GRE ultimately depends on your strengths, preferences, and goals. Whichever exam you choose, remember that standardised tests are just one aspect of your application. Your passion, dedication, and unique experiences shape your business school journey. They are the elements that can set you apart and make your application stand out.

Want to start?

Ready to take the next step? Join Study Unifees, a leading institute known for its expert trainers and guaranteed achievement of target scores. At Study Unifees, we customise your lesson plans to fit your needs and skills, which results in efficient learning and 100% results. 

Share your thoughts and questions about GMAT vs. GRE with us! Remember, you’re not alone on this journey. Seek guidance from admissions experts or fellow applicants, and together, we’ll unlock the door to your dream business school.